
I am very glad to welcome you to Countess Wear Community School (CWCS).


Achieving Highly

We have very high expectations for all our children. Whatever a child's interests, talents and skills, we want your child to develop a love of learning and be motivated and challenged to achieve highly in all areas of their life. Our school motto reflects this:


'be everything you can be'


Feedback from visitors

Wherever I go with visitors, we always see children fully engaged and excited by learning, whether they are sawing logs in the Forest School, playing cricket on the field, doing drama in the hall or solving a maths problem in the classroom. We are very fortunate to have extensive grounds and lots of areas for learning.


Valuing everyone

At CWCS, every child and their family are valued for their unique contribution to our school community. We look forward to welcoming you and working together in partnership to provide the best start to your child's education.


I hope that as you look through our school website some of your questions will be answered. However, you are always welcome to visit us, so that we can answer any additional questions that you may have. 

Rachel Pattison, Executive Headteacher

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